self-care Jun 30, 2022

Of all the components of self-care:


I enjoy social self-care the most since it allows me to interact with people while caring for myself.


Social self-care and its activities have numerous benefits.


What exactly is it, you ask?


What is social self-care? Check out this post I wrote for more about social self-care.


While for me, social self-care is an excuse to go out with friends while at the same time improving my well-being.


As I’ve mentioned, taking care of yourself means spending time with friends and family, which can offer you joy and allow you to reflect on your perspectives.




What are self-care activities?


Social self-care activities are things that you do to connect with others and build relationships.


For example, social self-care activities could be going out to eat with friends, going on a date, attending a social event, or simply spending time with friends and family.


So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your self-care routine, consider adding some social activities.


Why are social self-care activities so important nowadays?


Social self-care activities can play an essential role in promoting health and wellbeing.


By engaging in activities that nurture our relationships with others, we can cultivate a sense of connection and belonging.


In addition, these findings can lead to a better understanding of positive emotions like gratitude, appreciation, and happiness in the long run.


Self-care activities can help reduce stress and improve moods and physical and mental health.


When we take the time to care for our social needs, we invest in our health and well-being and those around us.


When you’re depressed and want to isolate yourself, social self-care activities can be a lifesaver.


This is because social self-care avoids isolation.


People experience loneliness and are at a greater risk of developing mental and emotional health issues.



25 Social Self-Care Activities




  1. Have dinner at your parents’ house on Sunday night, the usual time you go there for such visits.
  2. Go out and sit by the pool on a hot summer day with your best friend and her kids (they’re also your godchildren).
  3. Get together once a week with two other couples; play cards and whatnot while the children all play together in another room of the house.
  4. Volunteer at your kid’s school, helping out in the library, walking around to make sure kids are doing okay on the playground, and helping with bake sales.
  5. Create new friends by participating in an art class.
  6. Go traveling; plan a trip with family members or friends.
  7. Call up your best friend from high school who lives in another state; see if she wants to get together next time you visit your respective states or plan a trip to meet.
  8. Organize a day at the park/zoo with any age group of children or adults, whether it be your kids, nephews & nieces, sons & daughters of friends.
  9. Volunteer to chaperone on a class or school trip; this is done not only for fun but also to support and encourage kids to do good things.
  10. Meet up at a movie theater with your college girlfriends to catch up, have some laughs, and see a sappy teen romance flick you all know you’ll enjoy laughing during without being too embarrassed about it in public.
  11. Have a weekly sports night where people get together with their significant others and watch sporting events they all care about equally.
  12. On Saturday night, play cards with your family members–parents, siblings, cousins, etc.
  13. Join a book club; meet up with the same people once a month to chat about books you’re reading and discuss anything else that comes to mind after the book discussion is over.
  14. Have game nights where everyone brings their favorite board game along and gets together at someone’s house to play all kinds of fun games.
  15. Go on an outing just for adults once a month if you have small children at home–to go out for dinner, see a play in the park or check out an exhibition in town.
  16. Have a monthly cooking get-together where several families come together with whatever dishes they’ve made and get to know each other over good food.
  17. Organize group outings, like whale-watching tours, museum visits, boat rides on large lakes, and holiday festivals. Make time to connect with other adults who are parents but don’t necessarily socialize much otherwise because they’re busy caring for their kids full-time.
  18. Form a book club where people bring books they want to talk about, and everyone at each get-together discusses one book.
  19. Get together with your high school friends every year to celebrate the anniversary of when you all graduated together. This also serves as an opportunity to catch up with any classmates who may have gone away for college.
  20. Get together once a week or so with two other couples in your neighborhood to have coffee to chat about local news, upcoming events in the community.
  21. Depending on the size of your family, plan a weekend once or twice a year where you all gather at the home of a friend or family member and stay up till very late together; no parents allowed!
  22. Host a monthly poetry night where everyone brings their favorite poems they’ve written over time or ones that speak to them and share them with others; this is great as an opportunity for self-reflection and sharing poetry with others.
  23. Once a week, try having conversation nights where you all sit down and talk about your days: what were some things that excited you? What were some challenges that came up for you during the day? How did those challenges feel as experiences–what were some lessons learned?
  24. On Sundays, time together as a family, reflecting on the past week and planning the upcoming week.
  25. Find something you enjoy doing in your spare time and find someone to do it with.



Make it a point to commit to and carry out one
activity every Saturday or Sunday, or at least
once every month!



When faced with an unexpected challenge in life, we have no choice but to.. surround ourselves with people who can help us stay grounded.


In any situation, it’s a good idea to recharge; your mind and body will thank you for it.



Though it can be difficult, learning to take care
of yourself is worth the effort



With some social self-care you will learn how to:


  • Set boundaries
  • Better manage your time
  • Practice reaching out to others for support
  • Develop new relationships
  • Make life more enjoyable and sustainable




Resources for emotional and mental support

Resources for emotional support and well-being – Coronavirus COVID-19 Response (ca.gov)

Best Online Therapy Services in 2021 (verywellmind.com)





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Thanks for reading! 😉