self-care Jun 26, 2022
signs of mental illness

Warning Signs of Mental Illness


You’re unaware of the early warning signals of mental illness, much alone the more common ones.


Let me ask you!


Are you feeling mentally unstable?


Do you have an emotional breakdown?


Are you experiencing mood swings that last a long time or affect your ability to function in day-to-day life?


Well then, let me tell you!


Mental illness can be terrifying, but you can educate and learn for yourself and others.


If you want more information about mental illness, check out my post on “What is Mental Self-care?”


Continue reading; if you’re unsure what to look for in the early warning signs and symptoms of mental health disorders.


This mental health post will discuss the early signs of mental illness and how to look out for them.


I aim to make it simpler for those with mental problems or who care about them to get help.




Let's get started with a list of a few early warning signs of mental health issues


It’s essential to be aware of the early warning signs of mental illness to get help as soon as possible.


Mental health problems can manifest in various ways, and it’s not always easy to tell if something is just a phase or something more serious.


If you’re feeling persistently anxious, depressed, or stressed, it’s worth seeking professional help.


A specialist can assess your symptoms and provide the support you need.


Don’t suffer in silence – reaching out for help is a vital first step in managing mental health problems.




To just name a few common signs:


few common warning signs

– Withdrawing from friends and activities

– Sleeping too much or not enough

– Experiencing changes in appetite

– Acting out of character

– Showing signs of paranoia or delusions

– expressing thoughts of self-harm or suicide

common mental illness signs


These mentioned are only common warning signs;


Madness or Mental Illness


Mental illness is a medical condition that can affect a person’s thinking, feelings, mood, ability to relate to others, and daily functioning.


Just like physical illness, mental illness can be caused by biological, psychological, and environmental factors.


Therefore, it is a brain disorder, not “madness” or “craziness.”


Those suffering from mental health issues are often described as “crazy” or “mad,” depending on the context.


Not only are the words “madness” and “crazy” unsupported by scientific study, but it’s also inappropriate to use.


Mental illness is often misunderstood, but with education and understanding, we can help break down the stigma and support those who need it.


That’s where I come in!!


I just want you to understand the basics of mental health.



Many believe the common myth about mental
disorders, such as "they only happen to other
people" or "everyone has bad days."



People often view mental illness as a dirty secret.


We are ashamed to admit that we struggle with it and are even more hesitant to talk about it openly.


The thing is, mental illness is widespread.


At least one in five people in the U.S. has a mental illness.


So, why are we so reluctant to talk about it?


Mental illness is an actual disease that should not be taken lightly.


It can affect anyone, regardless of age, social or economic status.


It is a bit challenging for you to pinpoint the symptoms because they vary from person to person, but that is why you can visit a specialist.


mental illness is an invinsible struggle


Difference between AMI & SMI


First and foremost, both acknowledge the existence of a mental health problem.


Yet, a significant difference between AMI and SMI is that SMI is more severe than AMI.


You may find more information about this in the section below.


Any mental illness (AMI)


Any mental illness is a condition that affects and impacts your thoughts, emotions, and behavior.


The symptoms of SMI can make it hard to go to work or school, take care of oneself, or interact with others.


Anxiety disorder, mood disorder, dementia, eating disorder, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are some of the most frequent mental health issues that people experience.


Serious Mental Illness (SMI)


Serious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, paranoid delusions, or major depression may have a functional impairment.


When mental illness is severe, it may affect a person’s ability to do daily tasks.


Thus, these individuals need more support due to their condition’s danger to their health.




What to do if you believe someone has a mental illness? Or how can I tell if I'm suffering from mental illness?


This Mental Illness Symptoms Checklist can help you identify common signs and symptoms.


I feel like I keep harping on the same point, but I’ll say it again: not everyone will struggle or suffer from all of these symptoms, and not everyone will experience them the same way…


  • Constantly worried or stressed out.
  • Lack of motivation or energy.
  • Having difficulty falling asleep or feeling exhausted all the time.
  • Depression or emptiness persists over an extended period.
  • Experiencing intense anger or being completely overtaken by it.
  • Excessive or inadequate eating.
  • Distancing oneself from other people.
  • You lose interest in activities you used to find enjoyable; social withdrawal.
  • Having a numb or non-existent sense of importance.
  • Physical symptoms can be a sign of mental illness as well. These include headaches, fatigue, chest pain, and stomach problems.
  • Having a sense of desperation or sadness.
  • Feeling unusually confused, forgetful, on edge, angry, upset, worried, or scared.
  • Excessive mood swings that cause problems in relationships with family and friends.
  • Seeing and hearing voices.
  • Substance misuse, whether it be alcohol, smoking, or drugs.
  • Struggle to take care of themselves by neglecting their hygiene.
  • Thoughts of Suicide.




Supporting a loved one with mental illness


Have you ever felt like you can’t do anything to help a loved one who has a mental health condition?


You’re not alone; know it is normal to feel frustrated by their state.


But, the good news is there are many ways we can help them get better!


Be supportive; here's how...


1) Ask them what would make things better in their life right now.


Respect their boundaries and do not force anything on them!


2) Be aware when they're having trouble sleeping at night.


Try suggesting healthy ways your loved one might get more rest, such as reading before bedtime.


3) Get them to feel comfortable and open up about sharing their struggles.


They can share as much or little of their story and listen carefully without passing judgment.


4) Talk about well-being and self-care!


Know your limits in helping a person with a mental illness so that you don’t set them back even more than they already may be.


Mental illness is not an easy topic for conversation, but hopefully, these tips will help make things more comfortable for everyone involved!


5) Show you care about their well-being.


A caring attitude is one way to show our support for someone else.


Make it clear how much these people mean in your life by using words like “love” or even saying something as simple yet meaningful as “I am here if ever needed.”



Things you should not say nor do


Do Not:


-Tell them it is all in their head.


Yet, it can cause more mental stress and anxiety because they may feel like you do not believe them or take what they are going through.


-Give unsolicited advice without getting to know the person's mental illness situation.


Some people respond better to different types of treatment than others, so we should never assume that our suggestions will work for everyone with mental health problems.


It’s essential to listen to each individual’s personal experiences instead of telling someone how they should feel or handle things.


If you give advice when it wasn’t asked for, you will seem insensitive to their needs.


-Tell them to get over it or "snap out of it" .


Mental health is a mental illness that they cannot will themselves to change right away; these things take time, and they should be treated with patience and respect!


- Avoid speaking in absolutes such as "always" or "never".


It may seem simple, but we need to listen more instead of immediately responding with one-word answers that can come off as judgmental: there is no easy fix for mental illness.


We must be patient and show empathy towards those who suffer from mental problems or illnesses.




Like I said, “helping someone with a mental health condition can be challenging and frustrating.”


That’s why I want everyone reading this post to know how crucial it is to help discover a means of coping and a support system online or nearby so you can help them get better.


Everyone has their own journey be supportive and love them.



Are you concerned about yourself or someone
you know? It's time to talk to a specialist and
ask for help!



I want everyone suffering from depression to know there are ways to get back on their feet without shame or guilt.


Your feelings are valid; you are not overreacting – mental health problems are real, and they deserve to be taken seriously.


Seeking help is the first step on the road to recovery.


Remember, you are not alone!


You are worth it; your loved ones need you.




Please check out the links below if you have any questions or concerns about your mental health.


Also, you may have the option of contacting a professional in your area.




Resources for emotional and mental support


Resources for emotional support and well-being – Coronavirus COVID-19 Response (

Best Online Therapy Services in 2021 (

Talk Space

Suicide Prevention Hotline | Federal Communications Commission (

Lifeline (




Thanks for reading!


I do hope you enjoyed this post; if you like it, please share it with your friends and subscribe to get updates about new content on the blog.


And if you’re looking for a little more self-care in your life, download my free self-care plan.


It provides advice on how to take better care of oneself and exercises.


Again, I hope you enjoy it!