self-care Jan 17, 2022

Hmmm, workplace, how enjoyable!! 


What is professional self-care ha!!


It’s possible that you’ve never heard of the concept healthy workplace or even thought about it before. 


On the other hand, maybe you do know what it means or at least have an idea; either way, it might be hard to adjust it into your daily routine when you have no prior experience with it.


So, allow me to explain, what is professional self-care? 


In this post, we’ll talk about how to get a little bit of self-love at work or home. 


Please continue reading to discover more about professional self-care and better understand it!


What is professional self-care?


Even though we don’t hear or use the term “professional self-care” very often, one cannot overstate the importance of this concept in the workplace.


When it comes to professional self-care, it is the ability to maintain a healthy work environment that is important.


To begin, reprogram your ideas and emotions so that you are not first offended or angered by anything that happens in the office, including colleagues.


Taking care of yourself on a professional level can aid you in keeping a low level of stress and avoiding any negative energy from drastically affecting your work performance.


10 ways you can manage a healthy workplace


Why is professional self-care important?


Professional self-care is becoming more crucial nowadays!  


It helps increase productivity, optimism, stress reduction, and the promotion of healthy behaviors.


So, to the point… Yes, Professional self-care is VERY IMPORTANT!


Professional self-care is vital to learn about and apply at home or the workplace. 


Work is where you spend a significant portion of your day and how you feel will vary depending on your surroundings and how you manage them throughout the day.


Your workplace is your second home and family; it is a place to enjoy yourself and perform various activities that benefit your mental health. 


And to be mentally healthy, you need to accommodate a little bit of professional self-care.



Balance is key to any successful business and personal well-being;



Find a balance between your professional, mental, emotional, and physical well-being


Professional, mental, emotional, and physical well-being are all important aspects of one’s life since they are all connected. 


Maintaining a healthy balance between all components promotes serenity and productivity in the job.


Therefore, if you understand all aspects of self-care and begin to integrate them into your daily routine, you will achieve balance and become stable. 


Mental, emotional, and physical well-being are just as essential at the workplace as at home or in one’s personal life.


The way we feel has an impact on the way we reason. Our minds function more efficiently when we are pleased and think more clearly. 


For example: 


If you are hungry or weary, your mind will have a more difficult time keeping your thoughts organized and positive. 


In addition to maintaining a positive frame of mind, it is critical to also look after one’s physical well-being and health. 


As you can see, it’s the whole package to ensure your health.


Workplace wellness


The workplace is where most individuals spend most of their time; it is critical to like what you do.


The term “workplace wellness” refers to the link between your overall health and your level of satisfaction at work.


“Workplace wellness” in the work community refers to a company’s commitment to providing its workers with the tools and help they need to live healthy and enjoyable lives. 


It is not the responsibility of human resources to guarantee that everyone gets enough exercise, eats well, and manages stress – it is the responsibility of everyone who works at the company.


Workplace wellness is becoming more popular in the business world. 


Create an atmosphere that stimulates physical exercise, promotes healthy eating, and offers a relaxing area for workers to de-stress and achieve a healthy environment.


There are several advantages to implementing workplace wellness programs. 


Apart from lowering healthcare expenses, it can enhance productivity and minimize absenteeism in the workplace.


Workers’ wellness programs seek to provide workers with the information and tools they need to educate themselves and make choices about their health and well-being and the chances to act on those decisions.


Employees that are actively involved in their workplace wellness, according to the Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO), are more productive, more enthusiastic, and even more content with their professions, according to the organization.


How can we manage a healthy workplace?


For those of you wondering how to maintain a healthy workplace, let me tell you that it all begins with YOU!



You can start by asking yourself, what can I do at work or home to improve my life?

How should my workplace maximize productivity while minimizing distractions from outside forces or other elements attempting to access our office?



It’s no secret that maintaining a positive and focused mindset while at work may be tough to do. 


See below a few pointers to help you establish a productive and healthy work environment.


10 Ways You Can Manage A Healthy Workplace


  1. Start your days with a healthy breakfast


    start your day with a healthy breakfast


  2. Eat nutritious snacks


    eat nutritious snacks


  3. Plan ahead of time and bring a healthy meal for lunch


    bring a healthy meal for lunch


  4. Hydrate! Drink plenty of water throughout the day! I understand you want your coffee; nonetheless, how about switching to decaf?!!


    drink plenty of water


  5. Take use of your lunch break to get some fresh air, listen to a podcast or watch an episode of a new television series, or better yet, take a little mini nap


    take a little nap


  6. Personalize your space by adding plants, paintings, or picture frames


    personalize your space


  7. Put on some background music


    put on some music


  8. Make sure that you have enough illumination


    make sure that you have enough illumination


  9. Schedule 15 minutes of warm-ups or exercise throughout the workday in the morning and afternoon


    do exercise daily


  10. Socialize and establish excellent friends at work, or the very least colleagues!


    socialize and establish good friends



Schedule some “me time.”


And if you’re not sure what “me time” is, check out our post on What is practical self-care? for some ideas.


So, make an effort to learn how to include a little bit of professional self-care into your everyday routine!


Make periodic relaxation breaks a part of your daily routine, or use that time to indulge in a hobby you like.


Make a point of doing something that will help you de-stress and recharge your batteries throughout the day at work.


Remember, whether you’re feeling overwhelmed at work or home, all you have to do is ask for help!


There are always good people around that are willing to give a hand and assist you!


Here’s a link to a post I wrote regarding the What is social self-care? (disadvantages of not engaging in social activities).


Stop neglecting your well-being in all aspects of self-care because you are causing harm to yourself and the people around you, particularly your loved ones.


Hey! they hurt if you hurt!


So, as already said, as for help, find a specialist in your area.


In addition, there are a few online support below for emotional and mental support.




Resources for emotional and mental support


Resources for emotional support and well-being – Coronavirus COVID-19 Response (ca.gov)

Best Online Therapy Services in 2021 (verywellmind.com)

Talk Space




I hope you really enjoyed reading this post and that it was helpful! Also, please do not hesitate to leave a positive comment in the box below.